Saturday, 15 August 2009

Council Leader forgets Senior Railcard. Shock! Horror!

A couple of weeks ago the Rotherham Advertiser published a story criticising Roger Stone for forgetting his Senior Persons Railcard and claiming back the difference. As, is often the case, Marlene 'Gob on Legs' Guest, was involved in this petty, vindictive (almost to the point of obsession) non-story.

Why? Such a usually sensible newspaper gave space to this spiteful little story is beyond me? Could it, perhaps, have anything to do with its source?

They regularly give column inches to this loathsome woman's opinions and unacceptable political views. Presumably, their defence is one of providing balance. Would they have printed Nazi propaganda during the war to provide balance, I think not!

The Advertiser should refrain from giving this odious, attention seeking seeking female, the 'oxygen of publicity' for her poisonous and pernicious views. Enough is enough! Please stop it before you do irreparable harm to community cohesion in our ethnically and culturally diverse Rotherham.

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