Tuesday, 14 October 2008
'Saint' Gordon Rides To The Rescue!
The economic battleground is his war, familiar territory indeed for him. He bestrides the economic world like a colossus and has now had his economic theories and prescriptions to deal with the current economic crisis adopted throughout the whole globe even America.(that's quite enough praise for now, we wouldn't want anyone to think that we had lost all our objectivity Ed.)
Gordon Brown will be, if it works, nothing less than, the saviour of the entire economic World!
This must trump most, if not all, of his predecessors achievements.
Blair who? is now a common enquiry. Even a casual observer must wonder from these, that he must be having a moment of crisis, thinking he is still important, The Office of Tony Blair, The Tony Blair Faith Foundation and the Tony Blair Sports Foundation, for starters. Satire on Tony Blair is becoming commonplace, try these, Tony Blair and Blair Foundation, have fun!
Thursday, 9 October 2008
South Yorkshire Pensions Authority loses £18 Million. When will it end?
This loss would be very embarrassing at the best of times, but on top of the losses on the stock markets, must be quite a headache for those in charge.
Is it soon to be a headache for members and pensioners? We wonder!
Also news just in, South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Authority also had a piece of the action to the tune of £5 Million.
Anyone else, put your hands up now please!
Council looses £3.8M of your money in Iceland Debacle!
The council is engaged in furious lobbying for the government to reimburse them for the £3.8M they have lost. Some hope I suspect as the total revealed so far runs into hundreds of millions and may even exceed 0.5 billion by the time the full facts emerge. I wouldn't want to swap shoes with the minister for local government right now, one John Healey, the member for Wentworth Constituency, as the lobbying will be extreme at times because of the panic in many Town Halls today.
More when the full picture is clearer.
Total losses known to date £840M!!!!!!
Monday, 21 April 2008
Storm in a 10p cup
The opinion polls are depressing reading for any Labour Member of Parliament and the number of potential losses is growing ever larger!
As the, 'iv'e got a book to sell Prezza', (all over the airwaves talking about bulimia but actually trying to publicise his soon to be published autobiography 'My Story: Pulling no Punches. Hardcover Published on 29 May £18.99 (Get it here for £12:53) once said "the plates are shifting" and indeed they appear to be moving now and the pace is increasing!
The mood of the Conservative Parliamentary Party is reported to be ebullient. Unity in the Party generally has improved markedly and they are looking forward to elections to come with a relish not seen for years. Especially the local elections on May 1st where labour is set for 'meltdown' across the country, even in it's so called 'Heartland' areas of the north.
Even Rotherham will be affected by this, as the disillusion with Labour among its previous supporters is total and Party membership in Rotherham, as it is across the country, is lower now than it has ever been to the point where finding any half decent candidates is now a problem that the Labour Party in Rotherham has yet to solve.
There are now, a not insignificant number of Labour MPs, who will be losing their seats in the General Election, whenever it comes. Most look to Browns failure to be an effective leader either of the Party or Government to explain their current difficulties.
Browns relationship with his Deputy, Harriet Harman, is said to be 'problematic' and not much based on trust. After all the wrong candidate won and Brown seems incapable of forgiving her for this, especially when he nearly had to sack her almost as soon as she was elected when her financial arrangements came under close scrutiny.
Despondency of Labour Members of Parliament can now be felt stalking the Westminster corridors, many just cannot believe how out of touch the Government has become. Unflattering comparisons with Callaghan are now being made. See this article in the London Standard '10p revolt? What 10p revolt? Scowling Brown's outburst at 35,000FT.'
Those with a longer vision are wondering whether the Labour MPs must now 'go back to their constituencies and prepare not for Government but Opposition'.
The 'Peoples' Party, the 'New' Labour Experiment of Blair, Mandelson, Byers et al is clearly over.
The 'credit card approach to running the economy is now exposed as such a raw deal, that our children will still be paying for this stupidity long after we have gone. Now they are acting like 'ferrets in a sack' amid much mutual recriminations.
In politics, all careers, it is said 'end in failure' and this is obviously true for governments too!
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Keep 'an eye on' our MPs & Lords from the comfort of your armchair.
This wonderful website offers a free update service that sends an email whenever your MP speaks. This service also covers members of the Lords. You do not need to sign up to the site to get email alerts whenever your MP speaks but joining has other benefits that are worthwhile.
Joining is free and as well as updates you will be able to comment on issues covered.
The Rt Hon Kevin Barron MP
The Hon John Healey MP Minister for Local Government (Communities Website)
The Rt Hon Denis MacShane MP
Lord Nazir Ahmed
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Herringthorpe Leisure Centre - a response
This weapon has been used in many places, for instance, Rawmarsh swimming baths, Rawmarsh leisure centre, Miners Institute - Parkgate.
All deliberately neglected to give a reason for demolition.
High Street
Letters can now be found by clicking here
Friday, 18 April 2008
New Labour puts your taxes up! Update 2
Further convulsions ripple through the party now that the number of electors affected by this tax doubling is larger than their majorities and an increasing number fear for their seats. This is now a major problem for Labour and hasn't been helped by the PM swanning around America. While the cat is away the Parliamentary Party does play!
The shock waves caused by this issue continue unabated.
One local , very junior government member PPS (bag carrier), Angela Smith, seems determined to do a 'Claire Short'.
Angela Smith is the Labour Member of Parliament for the Sheffield Constituency of Hillsborough.
There are signs of further dissent in the ranks among other Labour Politicians in the junior ranks of government as Brown swans around America. Problems mount for his return.
Have a look at the following links:
BBC Stories
'Downing St denies 10p tax rethink' (19th April 2008)
'Brown urged to ease 10p tax pain' (18th April 2008).
'MP decides not to quit government' (17th April 2008)
The Star
'Fury at tax U-turn MP' (19th April 2008)
'Smith talked out of quitting by PM' (18th April 2008)
'Concern grows over 10p tax rate cut' (18th April 2008)
The Guardian
'PM faces Commons 'train wreck' over abolition of 10p starting rate of tax' (19th April 2008)
'Brown warned of Labour tax revolt' (18th April 2008)
'MP drops threat to quit over 10p tax' (18th April 2008)
'Explaining the 10p tax rate cut' (18th April 2008)
The Yorkshire Post - identified this problem over a year ago.
'Brown's tax cut con trick' (22nd March 2007)
and is up to date now 'PM returns to confront tax revolt' (19th April 2008)
Financial Times (Registration is free and is well worth it)
'Brown returns to growing party unrest' (18th April 2008)
'MP backs down over 10p tax band threat' (18th April 2008)
'Brown faces dissent from 'ultra-loyalist' MPs (16th April 2008)
'MP's fear tax move will cost them dear' (9th April 2008)
'Abolition of 10p band leds to Battersea blues' (9th April 2008)
'Labour unrest over abolition of 10p tax rate' (3rd April 2008)
Rotherham Politics Stories
'New Labour puts your taxes up from today'
'New Labour puts your taxes up from today update'
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Labour Party Dirty Tricks in take over of Community Group!
The grassroots community group, the Meadows Community Partnership based in the area of Meadowbank in West Rotherham, has experienced a takeover by labour activists.
This group came into being under the sponsorship of the Council in 2004. Formed under the Councils Plan for Community Involvement and had the encouragement and support of the local Community Development Officer from the Council and the, then, Independent Councillor Caven Vines. John Prescott the Deputy Prime Minister, who was the Government Minister responsible at the time, was involved and also praised the success of this Partnership.
This group came together under the Chairmanship of Mrs Carol Dobson and has been very successful in involving the local community with two well attended community events and at directing funds for local priorities. Objective One monies to the tune of £200,000 were drawn down and given to Kimberworth Junior & Infants School for a new centre. They were a model non political community group engaging with both the local community and the Council.
They were members of the councils Pathfinder Housing Project and were encouraged to participate and made very welcome.
The involvement of the labour party or its members during this period of success was minimal to non-existent.
As part of the Pathfinder Housing Project they had a representative as a Panel Member. They were asked for their opinion as to the future of housing in their area and after community consultation on the issue of what should be done with a piece of land, Shrewsbury Terrace. The group let the council know that the results of consultation indicated that the people wanted bungalows to be built and Meadows Community Partnership supported this.
Needless to say this was at variance with the desires of the Council and the local Labour Councillors.
Involvement by the Labour Party began in earnest as soon as the money became available to spend, apparently led by Councillor Jahangjir Akhtar and the newly elected, Councillor John Foden, they infiltrated then eventually took over the partnership lock stock and barrel.
Invitations to meetings including that of The Pathfinder Housing Project (that they had previously been invited to) from the council ceased, their attendance was no longer required. No satisfactory explanation has yet been provided. The councillors, it was realised, had changed the rules to exclude them.
When the Annual General meeting of the Meadows Community Partnership convened in October 2007 there were eyebrows raised at the attendance. The local Labour Party had come to install their members on the Steering Group. The Chairman, Mrs Dobson feeling that she could not continue in these circumstances, resigned.
Her replacement? Labour Party Stooge, Kath Sims, Denis MacShanes Parliamentary Secretary and Labour Candidate in Rotherham West in this years May 1st local elections.
Under this woman's leaden hand the Partnership has virtually ceased to function and to top this, she wants to be elected as this years Labour puppet on the Council!
Mrs Dobson has since said “they have demolished a fabulous and strong community partnership” and Caven Vines described the situation thus “The Partnership was used by Labour as cover to draw down valuable sums of money for the community then effectively shut down”. Another local resident who does not wish to be identified said “the Partnership had given us a strong feeling of community spirit, Kath Sims and her Labour chums have strangled the life out of it”. There is a strong feeling of frustration, despondency and anger in the community at this turn of events that has yet to have its voice.
Why was it necessary for the local Labour Party to abuse their position and take over this group?
This was after all just the active and effective community group that according to the Councils policies4 should be encouraged and supported, not infiltrated and rendered ineffective by those who claim community leadership.
Clearly the contempt that the Labour Party in Rotherham have for those they claim to represent knows no bounds. This example of the misuse of power is a lesson to any group that succeeds in getting getting genuine community involvement outside the control of the Council or Labour Party. If you dare to represent community views, different from the wishes of those in power, you will be neutralised by any means at their disposal.
Saturday, 12 April 2008
George Orwell was right!
The technology, that was just a dream in the 1940's, is now a reality. CCTV, Speed Cameras, Numberplate recognition, Facial Identification, Cellphone analysis and other advanced technologies are deployed throughout the country as routine.
We now have the most extensive CCTV coverage,and covert surveillance of any country in the world!
Big Brother would have been delighted to get his hands on these toys.
Our politicians are looking for clever new ways to use these sophisticated systems, on which a very considerable amount of money has been spent, to make Money.
When communities demanded connection to the CCTV system, it never occurred to them that they would be used to spy on them. and to make money out of them for bad habits.
The poor victim this time? The motorist!.
They have come up with the plan to use them to fine motorists, or the occupants of vehicles, for littering, even a cigarette butt.
These, 'Crimes against the State', will be detected by CCTV operators of unknown or little experience or qualifications, not properly experienced and trained Police Officers.
Those caught will, weeks later, receive their fine through the post.
Already judged guilty!
What chance of mounting a defence under these circumstances - if not guilty?
This is practically extortion! Demanding money with menaces!
We are sleepwalking into a situation where our councils, which have pretty draconian powers already, have even more powers to abuse.
A good example of this type of abuse (of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (RIPA) is the recent case where Poole Borough Council were exposed as abusers of this piece of Anti-Terror Legislation. They had used RIPA as legal cover to spy on families who were suspected of the Terrorist Offence of applying for their children to go to school! What on earth is going on?
This is not an April Fool joke but a very serious issue for anyone who values their civil rights.
Some links to get you started:
Story Click Here
RIPA Abuse by Poole Borough Council Click Here
The Guardian:
On RIPA abuse by Poole BC Click Here
Is My Council Allowed to Spy on Me? Click Here
The Times:
On Motorist Victims Click Here
On RIPA abuse Click Here
The Home Office:
Home Office Home Click Here
Home Office RIPA Site Click here
Home Office Security Site Click Here
Poole Borough Council Click Here
Liberty Click Here
New Labour puts your taxes up from today update.
BBC Coverage Click Here
Trades Union Congress Click Here
TUC Statement calling on the government to ease the effect Click Here
RP Original story 'New Labour puts your taxes up today'
Friday, 11 April 2008
Our Limits
However there are more problematic cases, especially in the case of an extreme right wing political party now operating in Rotherham, whose core beliefs would be unacceptable to most people, if they knew what they were!.
Their strategy is to cover themselves with a veneer of acceptability and appeal for votes concealing their true motivations based on hate and division.
We cannot be totally neutral in this area and we have decided that we will not have anything to do with giving publicity, even indirectly, to a party that is covered by the above.
What is our view when another, slightly more mainstream, party enters an electoral pact with another extreme right wing party that is 'beyond the pale'?
"We take the view that this means that party, even if their policies differ from their extreme pact partner, is nevertheless asking their extreme pact partners voters to vote for them. This alone makes it impossible to give this party publicity also".
The two political parties affected by this principled decision are, we believe, not interested in anyway improving the lot of the people of Rotherham.
They are engaged in nasty, mean spirited and dishonest campaigns in Rotherham.
They exploit issues that have some resonance in local communities as a cloak to disguise their more malevolent and spiteful intentions.
We will not be the political playthings of those pursuing national issues by creating or exploiting local community division.
We are perhaps more aware than most of the problems that the people of Rotherham endure. We also know that these parties cannot help us with these problems, indeed they are intent on making matters worse for us who actually live in the Borough.
In truth they want to con you into voting for them as the best way to 'protest' in Rotherham, it is Not and Never will be.
This year there is more choice of candidate than ever and we are confident that this will improve significantly in future years.
Don't be seduced by the siren voices of these extreme right wing parties.
Please don't consider voting for these extreme right wing troublemakers.
These political parties should dissolve their disgraceful and cynical electoral pact and again organise independently, unless of course, they really are at heart one and the same and are merely flags of convenience to fight elections in Rotherham.
If any reader has a view on this please post a comment by clicking on the link below.
Update February 2009
Now that UKIP has rejected all electoral pacts in the future, a link to their website has been added to the links section.
Liberal Democrats in Rotherham in meltdown?
Just next door in Rotherham things are not so good. The local organisation appears to have collapsed and it is no longer possible to find any details for contact in Rotherham, all enquiries have to be directed to the Liberal Democratic Party in London.
If participation in the local elections is anything to go by there is a serious problem in Rotherham.
They could have stood in all 21 Wards. They have managed to contest only 6 Wards this year. Only Boston Castle, Dinnington, Keppel, Rotherham East,Silverwood and Sitwell Wards have Liberal Democrat Candidates.
It becomes very difficult to take them seriously as a National Party, capable of government, when they cannot organise effectively in Rotherham or many other places for that matter.
Rotherham needs effective political opposition to keep those in power 'on their toes' and ultimately improve the governance of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council and to reduce the waste of your money on mere vanities. Labour hegemony in Rotherham is coming to an end and others must step up to the plate in all our interests.
Liberal Democrat voters in most of Rotherham have no candidate to vote for. This leads to frustration and despondency among those denied the opportunity to vote for the party of their choice.
We are hopeful that things will improve for next years elections and that the Liberal Democrats will fight their corner more effectively in future.
Just in 14th April BBC Story: 'Lib Dems 'are the national party' Nick Clegg. Click Here
Thursday, 10 April 2008
MacShane - I am still important
This self promoter knows almost no bounds this piece contains the following hyperbole;
"Last year I chaired a blue-ribbon committee of British parliamentarians, including former ministers and a party leader"
" Our report sent a shock wave through the British government"
Having said the above it is difficult to do anything but agree with the central thrust of his arguments however some thought needs to be given to distinguishing anti-Zionism from anti-Semitism. This is especially important when considering the problems centred on Israel and the Middle East.
Most times the history of this troubled region seems to have been distorted by omission, those casual listeners to the western Media are led to the conclusion that Israel has always existed. History before the State of Israel was declared is ignored. It is important that the full history is presented as it is the way the State of Israel came about that is the root cause of most of the problems. Read this wikipedia article as a starting point, the Muslim News has more robust views.
One really has to speculate whether Denis is now wasted on the backbenches and should consider a career move in a different direction?
In case anyone should think this blog has become a little preoccupied with Denis MacShane time will show this not to be the case.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Rotherham gives your money away again!
No doubt we will be told that this is in 'New Labour Newspeak' a small amount of money.
This cavalier attitude just adds further weight to the argument that they are just not up to the job.
Failures at this level cannot be tolerated.
Rotherham Council must get it's act together.
Sunday, 6 April 2008
New Labour puts your taxes up from today
Alistair Darling was hoping that by the time this change to the tax system came in no one would notice this iniquitous increase in tax while they call it a reduction.
A perfect example of New Labour 'Newspeak'* where what happens is the opposite to that claimed. Thus this Tax rise was presented in Parliament during the budget as a cut, quite a disgraceful way for this Labour Government to behave.
New Labour, Old Labour makes no difference, we have been abandoned by them. They are not interested in those of us unfortunate enough to live in an area where Labour votes are weighed rather than counted.
They take their voters for granted, confident that they will get elected regardless. The right to change things through the ballot box is a precious right that needs exercising at this years local elections on May 1st.
Use your vote this year rather than sitting at home complaining that things never change. Your vote this year can make a huge difference.
Use your vote in 2008!
Want to know more? click here for Do Politics
* Thanks to George Orwell and '1984', if you have never read this or 'Animal Farm' we recommend that you put this right soonest.
Saturday, 5 April 2008
Nominations Closed
The list of properly nominated candidates is available here.
Should be a few interesting contests this year by the looks of things, analysis to follow.
Council wastes more of your money junketing
This annual jamboree for local government provides those attending considerable luxury and excess in an environment that would strain codes of conduct of both the Officers and Councillors present.
A cursory look at the awards given at this shindig appear to correlate as much to attendance to receive the glittering prizes as to the merits of the recipients. This is typical of this kind of 'awards ceremony' the same faces appear time after time and the getting of an award is treated as the excuse for excessive unnecessary expenditure on the delegation to collect that award.
In New Labours, New Britain, these awards have now become an industry dedicated to providing good accountancy cover for good old fashioned 'troughing'. 'Poulsonism' now entrenched and 'legal', it would appear, what a super wheeze! T Dan Smith eat your heart out!
Our money should not be wasted in this way when essential services are being ruthlessly cut or priced out of users means. This kind of junketing is intolerable and must stop!
Oh, by the way, Rotherham picked up the Joint Children Services Award - whatever that means and was a finalist in the Finance/Legal and Sustainable Environment Award category, this really increases the available opportunities to go when two Councils win an award jointly and are nominated in more than one category.
The Council themselves appear to be far from proud of this event when they bury any reference (click here) to the outer fringes of the site where no one will notice it and it took a full seven days! a whole week to massage the report to eliminate any possible embarrassing questions being asked afterwards, some hope!
Who makes the nominations for these august and prestigious awards?
They nominated themselves for these awards!
Can I begin to smell rats?
Who went?
Who and how was it paid for?
We should be told! click here
First reply, click here
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Stop Press
We understand that MacShane's Parliamentary Secretary, one Kath Sims, will be Labours Candidate in the Rotherham West Ward, this should be interesting as we also hear that the Independent Caven Vines will try to stop her by overturning the last rather modest Labour Majority.
It is known that her employer is very supportive and wants her to succeed, lets hope his popularity doesn't rub off on to her.
Stop Press. Stop Press. Stop Press.Stop Press.
MacShane PFIM No 2
Being exposed as an islamaphobe cannot be a good career move for him when his constituency has many of Rotherhams Moslems living in it. No small wonder his support has collapsed recently, at the last election thousands of loyal labour voters stayed at home rather than vote for this arrogant, self absorbed boor. He is an accomplished writer and self publicist with the unfortunate ability to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, this is a perfect example of this phenomenon.
In 2003 MacShane delivered a speech in Rotherham in which he said:
"It is time for the elected and community leaders of the British Muslims to make a choice – the British way, based on political dialogue and non-violent protests, or the way of the terrorists, against which the whole democratic world is uniting."
The Guardian article explains.
Angered, local members proposed a motion calling for him to go in the following terms which was was carried at a meeting of the Rotherham constituency Labour Party.
"Denis MacShane is inciting racial and religious hatred, by publicly implying in the press that the Muslim community elected members and leaders are in favour of terrorism and being anti-British.
"We feel these comments are ill-informed, designed to portray us in the media as conspiring against the state. The Nazis in world war two similarly accused the Jews, disputing their patriotism, which was so well executed that it led to what we now know as the Holocaust."
Councillor Jahangir Akhtar said Mr MacShane's claim to have local support for his comments was "absolutely disgraceful","I don't think this is going to blow over. We have been put in the position of having to defend ourselves," he said.
Councillor Mahroof Rashid said: "Feelings in Rotherham are very highly charged indeed."
Aafreen Khan, of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee, said Mr MacShane was a "blatant Islamophobe" and should not stay in his post.
His attempts to apologise were rejected by The Muslim News Click Here.
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
MacShane Puts Foot in Mouth No1
On his constituents:
'the number one issue for my constituents in Rotherham is the loutish, often violent, sometimes feral behaviour of different groups in working-class communities'.
Clearly he must love all of his constituents and fully understands local culture.
This opinion was published on Spiked click the link to read the full article by Mick Hume.
If you have an example of MacShanes foot in mouth behaviour please share it by leaving a comment by clicking on the comment button.
Rotherham Local Elections May 1st 2008
Prospective candidates may collect their nomination papers from this date from the Elections Office in the Civic Building, Walker Place.
It is best to phone first to ensure that you won't get killed in the rush 01709 823590 will get you through.
Remember to check the election timetable (get a copy here) to make absolutely sure you keep within all deadlines - you won't get any bending of these rules.
Completed nomination papers must be returned by noon on Friday April 4th.
Don't forget to collect your copies of the electoral role and read the candidates notes very carefully they can be a minefield for the inexperienced.
Election Law can be somewhat arcane, the rules on treating are particularly complex as are the accounting for your costs after the election.
Best wishes to all candidates in this years elections.