Friday, 18 April 2008

New Labour puts your taxes up! Update 2

New Labour in shock over 'hidden' tax rise for the less well off!

Further convulsions ripple through the party now that the number of electors affected by this tax doubling is larger than their majorities and an increasing number fear for their seats. This is now a major problem for Labour and hasn't been helped by the PM swanning around America. While the cat is away the Parliamentary Party does play!

The shock waves caused by this issue continue unabated.
One local , very junior government member PPS (bag carrier),
Angela Smith, seems determined to do a 'Claire Short'.
Angela Smith is the Labour Member of Parliament for the Sheffield Constituency of Hillsborough.
There are signs of further dissent in the ranks among other Labour Politicians in the junior ranks of government as Brown swans around America. Problems mount for his return.

Have a look at the following links:

BBC Stories
'Downing St denies 10p tax rethink' (19th April 2008)
'Brown urged to ease 10p tax pain' (18th April 2008).
'MP decides not to quit government' (17th April 2008)

The Star
'Fury at tax U-turn MP' (19th April 2008)
'Smith talked out of quitting by PM' (18th April 2008)
'Concern grows over 10p tax rate cut' (18th April 2008)

The Guardian
'PM faces Commons 'train wreck' over abolition of 10p starting rate of tax' (19th April 2008)
'Brown warned of Labour tax revolt' (18th April 2008)
'MP drops threat to quit over 10p tax' (18th April 2008)
'Explaining the 10p tax rate cut' (18th April 2008)

The Yorkshire Post - identified this problem over a year ago.
'Brown's tax cut con trick' (22nd March 2007)
and is up to date now 'PM returns to confront tax revolt' (19th April 2008)

Financial Times (Registration is free and is well worth it)
'Brown returns to growing party unrest' (18th April 2008)
'MP backs down over 10p tax band threat' (18th April 2008)
'Brown faces dissent from 'ultra-loyalist' MPs (16th April 2008)
'MP's fear tax move will cost them dear' (9th April 2008)
'Abolition of 10p band leds to Battersea blues' (9th April 2008)
'Labour unrest over abolition of 10p tax rate' (3rd April 2008)

Rotherham Politics Stories
'New Labour puts your taxes up from today'
'New Labour puts your taxes up from today update'

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