Saturday, 5 April 2008

Council wastes more of your money junketing

Our wonderful local newspaper, The Rotherham Advertiser, reports yet more waste by this council. A number,as yet unknown (we should be told), of Members and Officers attended the Local Government Chronicle Awards junket, held in the swanky Grosvenor House Hotel, London on March 17th. Menus look good and so cheap.

This annual jamboree for local government provides those attending considerable luxury and excess in an environment that would strain codes of conduct of both the Officers and Councillors present.

A cursory look at the awards given at this shindig appear to correlate as much to attendance to receive the glittering prizes as to the merits of the recipients. This is typical of this kind of 'awards ceremony' the same faces appear time after time and the getting of an award is treated as the excuse for excessive unnecessary expenditure on the delegation to collect that award.
In New Labours, New Britain, these awards have now become an industry dedicated to providing good accountancy cover for good old fashioned 'troughing'. 'Poulsonism' now entrenched and 'legal', it would appear, what a super wheeze! T Dan Smith eat your heart out!

Our money should not be wasted in this way when essential services are being ruthlessly cut or priced out of users means. This kind of junketing is intolerable and must stop!

Oh, by the way, Rotherham picked up the Joint Children Services Award - whatever that means and was a finalist in the Finance/Legal and Sustainable Environment Award category, this really increases the available opportunities to go when two Councils win an award jointly and are nominated in more than one category.
The Council themselves appear to be far from proud of this event when they bury any reference (click here) to the outer fringes of the site where no one will notice it and it took a full seven days! a whole week to massage the report to eliminate any possible embarrassing questions being asked afterwards, some hope!

Who makes the nominations for these august and prestigious awards?

They nominated themselves for these awards!

Can I begin to smell rats?

Who went?

Who and how was it paid for?

We should be told! click here

First reply, click here

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